Book Corrections

Below is a list of corrections found in my 3 last books.  It is my goal to have error free books. The publisher will make corrections if the book gets reprinted. Please e-mail me or Martingale with any errors you find. And please accept our appologies for the inconvenience.

Save the Scraps

Correction to  Crossed Tracks
Page 67, Cutting

Cream Background for quilt center
Cut 2 squares 10 ½ ", not 10".

Cream for Border Background
Cut strips/squares 5 ½", not 5 1/4"

Twin Peaks

Correction to Steps to Piece
Page 67, Cutting

From the light fabrics, cut 4 1/4" squares, not 4 ½" squares

S is for Scraps

Correction to Cutting Room Floor
Page 58, Cutting

From the assorted light scraps, cut 2 7/8" strips, not 7/8".

Correction to Sparkling Stars in Taupe
page 64, step 5

Sew the triangle units to both short edges of a light taupe triangle, not a cream triangle.