Saturday, February 1, 2025

Slow day at Retreat

 I'm retreating at-home with my online guild. I did more relaxing than quilting since I haven't been sleeping well.

I did pair up  and sew some more triangles  With me its all about contrast. An obvious/distinct line separating light from dark. Notice how the darks with the light are almost the same as the lights with the darks. Deliberately. 

 The triangles were turned in to Comfort Quilters over the years and I didn't know if they were just extra or waste triangles or oversized or what. Yes I have a boxful in every size immaginable. So I only checked and trimmed to size the light triangles then matched the square corners. By sewing 1/4" from the long light triangles edge I'd have hst  units that don't require trimming again. 

I also did some quarter-square triangles for hour glass blocks. Those aren't done but if I like them I might use them as a border in a quilt some day. 

Next I tore out the chartreuse green and fluorescent yellow logs from the railroad ties blocks. They were just too loud for the quilt. I replaced them with pinks and reds and finished the last 3 blocks. I'm happier with it now and I may just add that piano keys border. Deciding on a plain border will be my challenge for tomorrow. 

I hope you had a chance to relax a little today and do some fun sewing. 

1 comment:

Crystal Digitizing said...

such a nice and pretty quality work embroidery digitizing services in usa great stitches !!!!!!!