Wednesday, September 27, 2017

On my way

It's almost a habit! I realized that I'm actually trying to start a new one rather than resurrect an old one. In the past I used studio 1 and made tops. Now I am trying to do more work at getting them quilted in studio 2. It helped that the weather cooperated. I'm not working outside when it's 90. Evenings should be good. I don't like to join Mark  in the evening for a nap on the couch in ftont of tv or just as bad if he's awake and channel surfing.

The quilting  on this one is finished. I still have a few threads to tie off and binding to do. And I didn't delay in getting the next one on the frame. I'm doing the bow tie with out batting to use as a shower curtain. I'm almost done with that one too.

Meanwhile I am planning the quilting on the next one. That can slow me up a bit. I can usually decide how I want to quilt about  70% of it. I'm usually  stumped when it comes to the borders.  Maybe future quilts won't always have a border. Great solution.

Monday, September 18, 2017

A bit of a challenge

a challenge for me. I've not posted from my phone before. I always like to include a photo but I am having trouble uploading photos to my computer. I like to put them on the computer first because I can edit them better with the computer than on the phone.

So here's my photo for today's post. As you can see I decided on a dark blue to sash my nine patch blocks. I'm liking it a lot. Good thing because I have lots of blue. I don't know what I was thinking when I told Sharon to cut me three and a half yards. I knew I added a little more in case I wanted to make it bigger and I never manually figured out how much I needed I just used what the computer told me. But I think there was an operator error when I entered the size of the blocks or even the setting that it told me such a large amount. With all the quilts I've made I would have known if I thought about it for a minute or two that I wouldn't have needed three and a half yards for this quilt. So I think I will plan to make it bigger since I like it so much and I will even be able to back the quilt with the same blue plaid. tube order it I will simply go around with the same width sashing but without the cornerstones.

As far as developing my quilting ha bit goes I'm pleased to report that I've been doing some almost every day. That is if stash acquisition counts. I've been to another estate sale. Always have to hit those twice if you have the chance.n And I did.
the quilter was fond of reproduction fabric. So I lucked out and added a number of pieces to my collection for backs borders and backgrounds. I also snatched up some of the scraps that I didn't have so that I could add those to my charm quilt. The fabric was priced by the pound. It sure made things easier. I also got a few CDs so I can listen to some music while I quilt.  We get lousy reception on the radio down here in the hollow. I also picked up a half dozen Quilting books. I'm surprised how inspiring I find those estate sales to be. Next I am looking forward to cleaning out my closet and prioritizing my quilting for the fall.
Linking up with the party at

Monday, September 11, 2017

Habit Forming, NOT

Quilting has not become habit forming for me yet. I have gotten some done though. Last week we were busy with several doctor appointments so if you need an excuse, I'd use that.

A few weeks ago I put another quilt on the frame in Studio 2. I've got a close up of the quilting here but if you still can't see it, double click on the picture and that should let you see it even closer. I've enjoyed quilting this design; probably cause I like the way it looks. I might be half done. I expect it will be the end of the month before it gets done at the rate I am going.

I used to avoid highly contrasting thread because I didn't like the way every wobbly line would show up. I don't have the courage for that yet but I'm getting there. Perhaps variegated thread is the way to go till then.

A new linky party for me.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Cause I Wanna

There was a time when I had a quilting habit. Every day my husband went off to work I would too. I'd go of to my sewing space and lose myself in my quilting for hours on end. I was concerned that when he retired he'd cramp my style and he did. I don't mean to be blaming him but I lost that habit soon after he retired. I guess it is fair to say that now instead of quilting I spend that time with him working out in our woods or prairie. I could still quilt in the evenings but I don't and I don't think it's cause I am tired. At any rate I want to develop a new quilting habit whether it is doing Just One Thing or JOT in the sewing room or several hours at several tasks, I don't care. I just gotta do it. Cause I wanna.  Now having said that I should have more success. Documenting it can make me more accountable too, so stay tuned.
Recently I started making 9-patches from 1 3/4" wide strips leftover from a log cabin quilt. Yes I have a bit of a plan in mind. I'm joining them in sets of four. Next I need to decide how I will set them, then how big, then if borders will be absent or pieced or plain. You know the routine. I've been enjoying it immensely. I'm loving the little bit of yellow in this project. I like the tic-tac-toe I see too.

In the old days, this top would have been done in a few days. Its been several weeks already and I expect it will be another one yet.