It would seem that I lost interest in blogging or even quilting. It's just that I've been a bit busy. Mark isn't much better since he herniated his disk 10 weeks ago. Tomorrow he's going in for surgery. Hopefully things will get back to normal soon.
I still need to locate my camera but till then I found this picture I haven't shared yet. I finished the top a few weeks back. When I last posted about it I hadn't decided how I would arrange the blocks, either on point or square. I went with on point and this time I remembered to sew them together into the sections shown here instead of diagonal rows. I really don't like doing it in diagonal rows. This method made it much easier to handle. I love it. In fact I have another one at studio 3 that I'm assembling the same way. With luck I can show them both to you soon. I just might be hanging around the house a little more than usual to make sure Mark doesn't get into trouble post-op.
During the heat wave of the last few days I've actually done some sewing at home. (As opposed to at Studio 3.) The ladies of the Quilting Hands of St. Peters have set aside their quilting for a while in favor of Little Pillowcase Dresses. The pattern also gives directions using yardage and that's what we are doing to use up some of our fabric. Our stash has grown considerably and it's getting older by the hour. The intent of the whoever came up with the pattern was to send the dresses to little girls in Africa. But our church has a mission in Haiti the poorest country in our hemisphere so we intend to send them there. I think we have about 50 started. Again we kinda work assembly line style. I put together about a dozen in the last two days.
I'm linking up with Judy again. It's been a long time. I'm glad I didn't miss seeing the quilt top that she's been working on all year.