Thursday, January 6, 2011

2010 Studio Stats

My record-keeping skills aren't the greatest, so I wouldn't be able to give this report if it weren't for blogging. Looking back over the year, I see that in 2010 I have:
quilted 8 tops for church
quilted  and bound 4 of my tops
finished 11 quilt tops or PhD's, new and old
enlarged 7 old top

That leaves me with 100 tops and 24 kits/PhD's.

These numbers don't match with my last report because I have sold and/or given away a few tops or quilts. I've also reclassified a few tops as PhD's, because I decided to enlarge them.  I don't generally like to have quite so many PhD's, but I was in the mood to kit some of my own projects.  I find I really like going to grab a kit when I'm in the mood to sew, and I don't have to think about it too much.   And clearly there are times when I am in the mood to plan and cut quilts.

I just took a load of quilts over to the Transitional Living Center and found that I didn't get a picture of this one I made sometime in 2010. I made this comfort quilt from the orphan blocks at church.  I'm going to be  play with those orphan blocks again soon. First I think I need to work with something a little brighter.  It seems every winter lately I get tired of my dark scraps.

I still haven't decided if I want to weigh all my fabric and figure out how many quilts  I could make with it all.  Laurel suggested that if she knew what she could do with hers, it might make her feel guilty.  I don't think I would have that problem because I feel no guilt about the hundred quilt tops that I have. It might however deter me from buying much more.  Don't know that I want to ruin that fun. Would you? You know I'll keep you posted.

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