Welcome to the Grand Opening of (drum roll please) my blog!
I have been thinking of starting a blog for a few weeks now and decided to take the plunge. I am sure it won't be as bad as jumping in a lake of cold water. I mean, how hard can this be? I like to think my computer is my friend. But it may take a while to figure this all out, so please be patient.
At a minimum, I can introduce myself by saying that I am passionate about quilting. In addition to designing quilts, writing quilting books, and teaching quilting I am also the chairwoman in charge of a group of ladies from my church that makes comfort quilts. These are the main topics I will share here. Of course, I have another life too. That includes my husband and others we care for together including our daughter, my mother, elderly neighbors and middle-aged man that struggles to manage his own life.
I'll see what kind of details I can include in my profile or better yet, visit my website www.gaylebong.com

and of course come back and visit here. I am looking forward to getting acquainted.
I have been reading blogs for only a while now, but my favorite so far is Wanda Hanson's Exuberantcolor.blogspot.com. She shared pictures of two pincushions she finally cleaned out. I am responding here with a picture of my pincushions. Well some of them.

My oldest pincushion I made for my mom when I was in Girl Scouts. She attached it to her ironing board to keep pins handy to indicate a hole that needed mending. Great Idea mom. Anything I mend tends to sit in the way for anywhere from 1 week to 1 year! But her idea makes me think I need to ATTACH scissors (on a string of course) to the ironing board. I am always looking for them when I am there.
The new pink and black pincushion was a favor from Sue. She made one for everyone that attended the retreat I went to last week. Thank you Sue. The retreat was great. This one I attended for myself. I usually have to "work" them. I couldn't believe it took 5 hours to pack my quilting gear alone. Still, it was well worth it. More on retreats later, I am sure.
Well, thanks for stopping by. I better go see what else I can learn about blogging so you will be glad to visit again. -Gayle