Friday night Shaggy didn't come to quilt with Margie and Sue. She came with her boyfriend to visit though. I love it, but we don't get any sewing done then. I enjoy it when she comes to sew too, and not just cause she brings this candy bag she made for when she comes.
I also quilted a comfort quilt for Quilt club. They go so quickly on the longarm. Maybe too fast. And I worked on some pillowcases for the pillowcase challenge. I don't really know what it is about except I guess it has something to do with a magazine and the fabric companies and either the sick or the poor. They are collecting them at Oconomowoc Ben Franklin.
I am using a new coffee cup this morning and realized I never shared with all of you the wonderful door prizes I won at the retreat a week ago. Do you believe this is my first sewing basket? I sewed lots of doll clothes and my own clothes since junior high, but I don't remember ever having or using a sewing basket. So I am thrilled to have won it. It had a few notions included. In a second drawing I won the coffee cup. Pretty good haul I'd say.
Today I am going to tackle my taxes. With any luck I will be sewing again tonight.
LOVE the fish bag!
I too love fish bag.
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