Have you tried the Shoo-Fly block from layer cakes yet? I've only made 16 so far. I am happy with how it is going, I've just been busy with Festival to do anymore. I hope to make more Wed. night. I'm liking them, but now I have another idea.What else is new?
I am mostly unpacked from Festival. I had a perfect time. Mark really impressed me. What? Wait a minute. Did I say that? Yep, he was great to have along. He's even ready to do a few more shows - and during hunting season! It was wonderful for so many of you to come by my booth and say hi. It was especially sweet if you bought my new book to complete your collection of Gayle Bong books. Thank you. Mark and I agreed the worst thing about the trip was all the traffic. We are quite used to a forest of trees not a jungle of cars! We never got lost, though we took a few wrong turns. It doesn't help that IL never seems to have road signs where I want them. Silly me. I never thought to use the gps on the phone. But then, I hear they aren't all that accurate.
It's Monday. That means it's time for heading over to Judy's for Design Wall Monday.
Good luck with your organization. It always looks worse before it looks better. Beautiful colors on your shoofly blocks. Such a classic pattern.
I didn't make it to the Quilt Festival this year due to meetings on Friday and Saturday. Just as well for my pocketbook, I think.
I don't buy precuts--those I have have been gifts--but I do like scrappy, and I do like those shoofly blocks!
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