It wasn't my health this time but the health of the world when the Covid-19 pandemic hit. No, it didn't reach us, but I did sew less because of it. I would quilt with the ladies at church or at Studio 3 and that all came to an end. Temporarily I spose but nobody knows for how long. I did make a pile of facemasks to spread around mostly to family.

Since Mark has retired and we own 20 acres of woods and wetland across the street I've enjoyed our new hobby of cutting and burning brush in winter. We average 11burn piles each winter. Some we build earlier in the year, some brush we stack the day before we burn. We always cut more and add to it once it's lit. It's a dirty smelly job, but I really enjoy it. The fires remind me of campfires I always liked. And I like the way everything looks cleaned up. I have to remind myself that I am working in the woods and not a park and not to go overboard with cleaning it up too much. I like the exercise and being outside, even in winter. One thing is for sure, we will never run out of brush to burn. The ash trees are dying from the Emerald ash borer. The elm trees die from Dutch elm disease and an occasional oak dies from oak wilt disease. Add to that an understory of non-native invasives such as buckthorn. The woodland was not maintained as an oak forest and had become quite overgrown but not nearly as bad as I've seen. It's looking pretty good but still there is more to be done.
I did do some sewing this winter besides the masks. These Bears Paw blocks were made by my friend, Lucrecia before she died. I added the sashing and border. I'll get it quilted soon and we will raffle it at church this fall.
Now that Spring is here, no doubt I will be busy among my wildflowers in my yard and across the street. Maybe I will finally picnic out there this year. I likely will do little quilting.
Stay home and quilt everyone, or take a hike for some fresh air.